Welcome to My Simple First Project

Take my Salam

Live A Beautiful Life

Life is beautiful! And even more so if you are living a life filled with happiness, peace and contribution. However, many people, including myself, have lived a life full of possessions, with a soul full of hatred, a job that sucks the very life out of them, and an emptiness inside.

Even with its struggles and difficulties life can be beautiful,depending what you focus on. A beautiful life is one that makesyou feel fully alive, is full of inspiration and creates adeeper, more connected environment for us to live in. With thisin mind I’ve come up with a few steps on how to live a beautiful life.


Dream Big

Become a Web Developer!

I already learned the basic HTML and CSS. I can build any simple website. I can even teach my grandma how to make simple website. My goal is to build 3 websites and learn advanced topics.



Web Designer

2022-Present | Intermediate Designer

I am the master of HTML, CSS and Javascript. I know everything needed to make a website function, efficient. I didn't stop with the web. I went beyond with most popular Javascript framework called Vue JS. I even know the deployment, server and security. I will give you 100% web solution.

Web Developer

2022-Present | Development (Learning)

I am the master of HTML, CSS and Javascript. I know everything needed to make a website function, efficient. I didn't stop with the web. I went beyond with most popular Javascript framework called Vue JS. I even know the deployment, server and security. I will give you 100% web solution.